Thursday 7 June 2012

Welcome to the world of Sydney Fashion & Beauty 101

Welcome to our blog, a place where we chat about all things fashion and beauty, essentially Fashion and Beauty 101, with a Sydney twist.

This blog has been created by two like-minded souls that have a passion for fashion and an eye for beauty.

The creator of and and a publicity wizz with a keen eye for style ( and a bag loads of silly humour to boot), our aim is to provide a haven for souls who are interested in new fashion lines (in store on online) what beauty products are hot and current trends with an everyday twist.

We live in Sydney, but are from across the pond in the UK - we will bring you the trends before they launch here, so we can always be one step ahead! To keep it light we'll also provide the top looks of the day from in and around Sydney, along with the NOT looks of the day!

Unsure of where to start when it comes to shopping online, fear not our weekly top pics will keep you in the loop.

We don't take ourselves too seriously, it's our take on a material world in which we live in.

We plan to keep it colourful with plenty of images and videos and useful info!

So buckle up, get ready for informative and hopefully entertaining posts that will keep you coming back for more.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, Your blog is beautiful, and this drippy lipstick is absolutely divine I must know how you managed it!
